- Abbreviated as HW, Hardware is best described as any physical component of a computer system that contains a circuit board, ICs, or other electronics. A perfect example of hardware is the screen on which you are viewing this page. Whether it be a computer monitor, tablet or smartphone; it's hardware.Without any hardware, your computer would not exist, and software could not be used. The picture is a Logitech webcam, an example of an external hardware peripheral. This hardware device allows users to take videos or pictures and transmit them over the Internet.
Below is a list of external hardware and internal hardware that may be found with a computer.
External hardware examples
Sunday, 29 May 2016
what is hardware
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The ancient Egyptians valued silver because they considered it to be rare. They believed that the skin of the gods consisted of gold and their bones were made from silver. Similarly, in the ancient Aztec belief system, precious metals were said to have come from the gods. Gold represented excrement of the sun gods and silver was believed to be the excrement of the moon gods. This precious material was procured for the Spanish Empire by the conquistadors, which led to European commercial use of silver coins. In turn, the currency of the United States of America was based on the value of silver. advice